“Members of a cohesive group feel warmth and comfort in the group and a sense of belongingness; they value the group and feel in turn that they are valued, accepted, and supported by other members.” – Irvin D. Yalom

woman crying during group therapyJoining and sharing your thoughts with a group of strangers may sound daunting, but group therapy provides benefits that individual therapy may not. Groups can act as a sounding board and a support network. You can choose to share your story or listen and learn from others. Listening to other members of the group may be able to provide you with specific ideas to improve your own situation.

At Second Chance Counseling Services, PLLC, we provide different group therapy options. We offer therapist-facilitated and peer-led groups. Also, some groups are issue-specific, while other groups are therapy- or audience-specific. Regardless of the type of group you choose to join, you can rest assured that you will be treated with the utmost respect and dignity.

Group therapy is beneficial for individuals struggling with:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse
  • PTSD
  • Anger Management
  • Stress Management
  • Grief and Loss
  • Trauma/Childhood Trauma
  • Communication and Social Skill Deficits
  • Low Self-Esteem
  • And more

Talk to Us

For more information, don’t hesitate to contact us at 910-491-1758. For an evaluation of your needs, we encourage you to request an appointment at your earliest convenience.

Do you or someone you know need help with a crisis? If it is a life-threatening or medical emergency, please call 911 immediately. If it is not a life-threatening or medical emergency, you may contact any of the following hotlines: 1-800-SUICIDE / 800-784-2433 (Suicide Hotline) or 910-485-4134 (Fayetteville Helpline).